Echo Conferences
From Angst to Zines, Echo has over 60 different conferences and each conference is filled with ongoing conversations.

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Conference descriptions with a Conference has a web page have web sites you can explore. NOTE: These descriptions and conference web pages are not the actual conferences; you cannot access Echo's conferences via the web at this time. Click here for information about telneting or dialing in to Echo.

Conference Descriptions List

(Not all conferences are listed.)

30-Something: hosted by Joey X
A place for those between the ages of 30 and 39 to discover they have absolutely nothing to discuss.

Angst: hosted by Josh Karpf and Mego
A safe and rowdy place for throwing a tantrum or wallowing in self-pity. All forms of angst treated with respect.
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Art: hosted by wastrel and Arsinoe
Conference has a web page For artists and viewers, conversations in the the Art conference range from "Artists You Hate" to "Pin Down the Work Of Great Artists In Less Than 10 Words" and "Art I Saw Today".

BITCH: hosted by Mop and Amy R.
A conference for women with attitude. "It's WIT in leather jackets." — Marissa Bowe, WORD Editor-In-Chief

Books: hosted by Pez and Slobber
Where readers and writers consummate their affair with language.
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Central (aka Welcome): hosted by erich and Lisalala
Central is for general announcements of interest to all ECHO users, and is a great place for newcomers to get their feet wet and practice posting.

Classifieds: hosted by Neander and Margaret
Where the good people of Echo go to find jobs, homes and the ever-popular free stuff.

Comix: hosted by ... TBA.
Stop in, it's casual. Talk comix with us: mainstream, UG, toons, etc.
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Computers: hosted by Grant and Eric.
Questions: free, Answers: $.25, Correct Answers: $10.

Culture: hosted by Myrna
Americana, pop culture. Conversations range from "Thay're Changing Barbie!" to "Does God Care Who Wins the Super Bowl?" and "Bill Gates' Love Child Bludgeoned by Libby Dole."

Death: hosted by Stacy Horn
If you've had enough of Elizabeth Kubler Ross, join us for conversations like "Death Hurts," "Write Your Own Suicide Note," and "Violent Death: Accidents and Murder."
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Digital Arts: hosted by Janet Tingey, Xixax & jneil
Conference has a web page Do the letters PMS make you think of a color matching system before they make you think of a hormonal disorder? Does an upgrade notice from Adobe make you quiver with excitement? If so, then Digital Arts is the conference for you! Digital Arts is a conference were we talk about using computers to produce art both fine and commercial.

Elsewhere: hosted by Luce
ECHO's travel conference, where you can make other people jealous over all the great places you've been. Designed for Echoids who live outside New York.
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Feedback: hosted by Kevin Krooss
If there's something you like (or dislike) about ECHO, this is the place to talk about it.

Food: hosted by Jaze
Cooking, eating, whining, writing, drinking.

Games & Toys: hosted by Pomeranian
A conference about all kinds of games and toys!
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Group: hosted by Yvette Colon, MSW
A private conference for those participating in an online group therapy experiment.

Handmade: hosted by Jackie Blue, KZ & Talking Dog
Artists, gardeners, or do-it-yourself types: share the secrets of your craft, or learn a new one.

Health: hosted by Yvette Colon and Oedipa
"Our body is a magnificently devised, living, breathing mechanism, yet we do almost nothing to insure its optimal development and use. The human organism needs an ample supply of good building material to repair the effects of daily wear and tear." — Indra Devi, 1963
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Inside New Media: hosted by Kamml, Starla and Twang
Geared toward the editors, producers, and marketing specialists of Silicon Alley, INSIDE complements Echo's thriving Digital Arts design and Web production conferences, and expands on their topics of discussion.

Internet: hosted by Fourway Flytrap & Starla
The Internet Conference. We dole out Internet advice to newbies and oldbies like porridge to Oliver. The most traveled items are the e-mail item, the video and audio items, and, of course, the ever-popular "Where Do I Find Kiddie Porn?" item.
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The Jewish Conference: hosted by Barbk & Jeff M.
Discussions of the Jewish culture, religion, politics, and Israel. All are welcome!

Lambda: hosted by Sturm
Conference has a web pageQueer folks and friends. We're here, and we're hip.
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Love: hosted by Lana Tuna and Alto Artist
Together, we're trying to map the rough terrain of love in the 90s: support, feelings, and ideas about love and loving.

Media: hosted by Xixax
Conference has a web pageDiscuss how modern means of communication affect culture, society, and politics in significant ways.
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MOE: hosted by Roger Devine and Grant Bremer
We discuss topic of interest to men in a friendly, supportive and unpressured environment. This conference is open to men only.

Movies & TV: hosted by Erin Clermont & Jonathan Hayes
Conference has a web pageWhere everyone can be a critic, even if you haven't seen it.

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Music: hosted by jneil & Joey X
Conference has a web pageFrom techno to opera, conversations in the Music conference range from "My favorite song in the world, right now" to "Upcoming Releases — Music to Peel Your Eyeballs For" and "That Steely Dan CD is wrong, wrong, wrong."

News and Views: hosted by Schuler Sue
Where we discuss the issues and personalities, and their effects on our lives.

The New York Conference: hosted by James Sanders & Twang
Conference has a web pageJoin us to trade urban survival tips and discuss what makes New York the greatest city in the world and/or hell on earth.

Off Central: hosted by Misha and Steve Berg
Where we plan F2Fs and talk about Everything Else.
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Over 40: hosted by Luce & Margaret
A private conference restricted to people over 40 years of age.

Outerboro: hosted by Mig
Living, working, playing and eating in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island -- the real New York.

Parenting: hosted by Sarah M. and Roger Devine
Conference has a web pageWhether you're a parent yourself, thinking about becoming one, or want to talk about your own parents, do it in the Parenting conference.

Performance: hosted by Flying Fish, Mark Russell & Snow
Ideas, stories, and gossip about live performance — from opera to monster truck rallies.
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Pets: hosted by Margaret Segall
For all pets lovers — dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, snakes, iguanas, etc. anything with fur & paws.

Plain Wrapper: hosted by Joe Rosen
Home of the chuckleheads, parthenon cups, and the RGO.

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Psych: hosted by Liz Margoshes, Ph.D.
A place to explore the workings of the mind, its disorders, and its (sometimes) cures.

Science: hosted by Rat
Where Echoids express and satisfy their curiosity about the physical universe and the everyday manifestations of science.

Sci-Fi: hosted by Barbara Krasnoff & Danny Lieberman
Exploring the imaginary universe.
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Sex: hosted by KZ and Grave
Sex is a private conference restricted to ECHO users over 21 years old.

Shopping: hosted by Jackie Blue
Hot tips on what to find what you're looking for! Or come on in and share your own tips.

Spirituality: hosted by Polaris
Does God exist? Or is he/she the Tantric hallucination of a UFO-piloting?

Sports: hosted by Ragmop and The Strange Apparatus
No, it isn't that Don King (but there is a boxing item!). Whether you're a participant or a spectator, there's room for everyone to play.
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Twelvestep: hosted by Anonymous
A private conference for participants in 12-step programs (based on the one developed by Alcoholics Anonymous).

Under 30: hosted by Fismo
Where Echoids 29 and younger gather to talk about, um, life.

Unix & Caucus: hosted by Coyote
Technical details and tricks about Unix and the Echo conferencing software. Questions answered about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
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Web: hosted by Spingo
A place to share your favorite World Wide Web sites and tips on making Web pages, and nitpick about the technical issues!

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WIT: hosted by Sharon Harkey & Polaris
Conference has a web pageWomen in Telecommunications (WIT) was the first all-women's conference on Echo. The conference features over 300 concurrent topics of discussion, including women's health, herstory, parenting, relationships, career, money management, sex, sexuality, women in technology, in power, in politics, and in pop culture.

Words: hosted by Jester
"Language most shews a man: Speak, that I may see thee." — Ben Johnson, Explorata: Oratio Imago Animi
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Working: hosted by Ellen McDermott and Carolyn Hahn
A conference for the discussion of job related issues. You'll also find discussions of personal finance and investment topics.

Writing: hosted by Elizabeth Zimmer and Myrna
Where established professionals can network and exchange information, and newer writers can gain support and help.

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