Echo is an online community, a forum for intelligent conversation and fun of all stripes. Our little corner of this world is a place to discuss our children and our lives as parents.
We're just like parents everywhere.
We have our good days and we have our
bad days.
Like parents everywhere, we think our kids say
the cutest things ever!!
And sometimes we are very, very wise.
Here are some pictures of Max and Luc
Sierra James has written a story about a girl named Marie-Claude
Jesse Nahem and his friend have written and illustrated
The Giant Worm Hole Book 2
Conor Wenk (with some, shall we say, encouragement from his mom) made
his own web page
Annie Livingston has opened an art gallery
Edith and Lukas Lerner--At age 2, they were already on the web!
Max Baumbach Speaks! And Draws!!
A baby picture of Julia Rachel Cumming
It's Greg MacDonald's Interactive Dinosaur!
Email us!