
that have inspired, educated, vexed, perplexed, and otherwise influenced my thinking on these subjects. Many of these texts are dated, but the older ones have become classics. Anyone truly interested in the state-of-the-art is advised to search out the current literature.

(note: this list is horribly incomplete...I haven't kept track of the relevant articles, both popular and scholarly I've come across.)

The "A" List

Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, Wiener
A seminal text for anyone interested in these subjects. So far ahead of its time (from 1950) it's still the best place for someone to start. I would also recommend folks with some knowledge in the field who haven't read it to do so immediately.

The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Shannon & Weaver
Outmoded, but still provocative for those with no background in the field.

Biology of the Brain: From Neurons to Networks and
Workings of the Brain: Development, Memory, and Perception, ed. Llinas
Collections of articles from Scientific American. A tremendous introduction to neurobiology and cognitive processes.

Parallel Distributed Processing, eds. Rumelhart & McClelland
Excellent chapters on these topics.

Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Jaynes
A tightwire act of scholarship. Presents the hypothesis that subjective consciousness emerged during a period of social chaos prior to which hallucinated voices provided individual volition. Whether true or not, a great read.

Neural Networks, Haykin
The text I used in my class...a good reference

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Russell & Norvig
AI Text...a decision-theoretic approach

Human-Computer Interactions: Toward the Year 2000, ed. Baecker, et. al.
Sources on HCI

The Invisible Computer, Norman
Don Norman is probably the best resource on human-object interactions.

Consciousness Explained, Dennett
And other works by the author.

Neural Networks, vol 10, #7 (special edition: Neural Nets for Consciousness), ed. Freeman
A great collection of articles.

Works by Walter Freeman and William Calvin, both excellent cognitive neuroscientists


Practical Techniques

Linear & Nonlinear Optimization, Sofer
Nonlinear Programming, Theory and Algorithms, Bazaraa, et. al.
Stochastic Processes, Ross
Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Kulkarni
Introduction to Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Ross
Dynamic Programming, Bertsekas
Simulation Modeling & Analysis, Law & Kelton
Decision Analysis, Raiffa
Decision, Probability, and Utility, eds. Gardenfors & Sahlin
Theory of Games & Economic Behavior, Von Neumann & Morgenstern
Rational Behavior and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations, Harsanyi

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