"A lasting municipality that is flawed, mistake-ridden and sin-filled ..."
The New York Times.
The Times also called us "a cultural icon of the online community," but we
think the first quote is closer to the truth. We're a virtual community.
People on Echo get together online to talk about books, movies, arts, politics,
angst, does God exist, why do I hate myself -- in a word, gossip.
Founded in 1990, we have over 3,000 members and 40% of them are female.
An ad we're thinking of running - "Echo has the highest percentage of
women in cyberspace. And none of them will give you the time of day."
The conversations on Echo are not on the web (yet). Once you have a
userid (also called a login id) and a password, you must either dial us up
directly, or telnet to us from anywhere in the world on the internet.
When you open an account, we'll send you instructions in the mail (postal
mail). This will take a couple of days.